"Pionauts are the gold standard advancing the next generation in cryptographic assets. Our photorealistic NFTs are brought to life through a seamless union of A.I. and human artistry.
Many of the world’s first and greatest pioneers were immortalized in stone, woven into a tapestry, or painted on a canvas. Now, they can experience a second life charting a mission that will let them carve their names on distant planets.
Pionauts are your key to a world of adventures you create through your support and imagination. By establishing core story elements, with the guidance of the community, Pionauts plan to open paths in film, games, and merchandise.
Our Mission is to deliver a narrative that pushes the boundaries of what an NFT is, what it can physically do, and the forms it can take. We want to make history by bridging the past to the present using the future of AI-designed NFT art reimagined and reinvented."
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